A-Z of Short-Term Rentals
Welcome to the A-Z of STR!
At Holiday Cottage Handbook, we are dedicated to providing informative, educational, and actionable content for short-term rental investors, hosts, property managers, and industry professionals.
Our goal is to provide valuable free resources to help people build successful and sustainable businesses. Whether you run one property or hundreds, the A-Z of STR aims to share everything you need to know about this constantly evolving industry.
We will continually update the content and add new sections to ensure the resource remains relevant and valuable.
We have listed many companies who are active in the industry in our Directory. Please contact us if you would like to be added to the Directory.
If you would like to request a new section or suggest an edit, please contact us. To sponsor this portal or become an affiliate, please contact james@holidaycottagehandbook.com.